Zury Hollywood

Zury Sis Wet & Wavy Brazilian Hair 6" Deep HD Lace Front Wig - Pio

$ 169.99 $ 249.99
Color: Natural

Quantity: Only 1 in Stock

Zury Hollywood Sis Remy/Remi Unprocessed Brazilian Human Hair Lace Front Wig - HRH-BRZ LACE WW Pio (Wet & Wavy, 6" Deep HD Lace)

1. Make sure your skin, hair and wig are clean and dry
2. Cut the tape into desired shapes. You want the tape to contour your hairline.
3. Peel the paper form one side of the double-sided tape and apply the strips of tape around the perimeter of the lace wig. Press firmly into place. *IMPORTANT* You should leave small spaces between the tape to allow for water to escape, if you will be wearing this for extended periods of time.
4. Position the lace wig on head. Starting with the center, go from side to side, pressing the wig down in sections with a fine tooth comb.
5. When you have completed the application process, tie down your hairline with a silk or satin scarf. This will allow the glue to set and dry properly. You may also sit under a dryer during this step to aide in the drying process.

Removal of Your Lace wig:
1. It is very important to spray the adhesive remover to completely saturate the glue for the lace to release, prior to trying to remove the unit. This will preserve your hairline and the lace on your unit. PLEASE take your time while doing this.
2. Wait for the unit to completely release. You may also use a Q-Tip to apply the remover/solvent between the lace and your skin.
3. Use adhesive remover/solvent to clean the adhesive from your skin.
4. Shampoo the lace wig to clean and remove any glue residue that might be on the lace or in the hair of the wig.

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