
FreeTress Equal Delux Lace Front Wig - Samala

$ 35.99 $ 51.99

Quantity: Only 1 in Stock

Shake-N-Go FreeTress Equal Premium Delux Futura Synthetic Hair Deep & Wide Lace Front Wig - Samala (Natural Hand-Tied Lace, Flat "Laid" Parting, Splash Highlight (SP) Colors, Tortoise Shell (TS) Coors)

• Synthetic wigs should be washed in cool water with a wild shampoo and conditioner.
• Do not scrub the wig, just submerge in clean water then swish it from side to side and up and down.
• Pat dry with a clean towel, then place the wig on a wig stand or styrofoam head to dry while maintaining original styles.
• Lastly, spray sheen or wig conditioner onto the wig and comb gently.

• Do not use hot curler at regular wetting. This fiber can only be curled at 380°F~400°F
• If wig hair gets frizzy, try any sheen spray or wig spray to claim the fizziness and then comb.
• If the wig get tangled, use any detangling or sheen spray then comb the hair.

Hair Product
• Any hair products can be used on wigs, such as hair spray, mousse, gel, etc. since the wigs are washable and reusable.

Wig Storage
• While wigs are not in use, they may be stored in a hair net and plastic bag or on a wig stand, such as styrofoam head.

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