BobbiBoss 100% Premium Human Hair Lace Front Wig - 900 BINARA
Hand Crafted Lace Fetch.
What is beautiful should also be innovative and economical. The experts at BOBBI BOSS understand the full spectrum of needs when managing the beautiful hair style for our valued customers..
Lace Front in the first optimal integration of the premium lace wig and the classic wig, restructured with the most beneficial characters from both sides. Affordable luxury for everybody is the core philosophy of Lace Front products, where the ultimate natural look of lace on the hairline and part is derived and incorporated into the comfort and accessibility of trading wig. Be thrilled to experience the first intelligent lace wig in the market..
• Invisible Lace Hairline with comfort of classic wig..
• Individually Hand-Sewn Premium Remi(Remy) Hair Lace for most natural look..
• Superior Fitting without tape or glue..
• Securing Inner Combs inside that hold the wig in place..
• Heat-Styling is available to create your desired look..
1. Run the fingers through the hair or use wide-tooth comb to remove ant tangles prior to washing..
2. Place your wig in a basin filled with cool water..
3. Add some mild shampoo into the water, creating a gentle foam leather. Let it soak for 5 minutes..
4. Work up a leather without rubbing, pulling or tugging the air. Rinse throughly with cool water..
5. Squeeze out water and saturate the hair with quality hair conditioner. Let penetrate for 5 minutes..
6. Using cool water, rinse and remove the conditioner, washing until throughly clean..
7. Gently squeeze out water from hair, pat dry with towel, and let the hair air dry naturally..