Zury Hollywood

Zury Sis Unprocessed Human Hair Lace Front Wig - Getty (12")

$ 101.99 $ 199.99
Color: Natural

Quantity: Only 1 in Stock

Zury Hollywood Sister Wig Unprocessed Brazilian Remy/Remi 100% Human Hair Lace Front Wig - HRH-BRZ LACE GETTY 12" (Short Sleek Straight Bob, Hand-tied Center Part)

Safe to BLEACH, DYE, PERM (Natural Color Only)

Tips to Keep GOOD HAIR CONDITION. Shampoo & Condition Provide enough nutrition by treating the hair with essential treatment to achieve better styling. Use keratin contained conditioner.

20 Min BLEACHING. Recommend to use 30vol, liquid developer for 20 mins. to reserve a healthy hair condition. Do not exceed 20 mins. when 40vol. developer used. The process may be repeated in order to achieve the desired color.

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